† Old Emma is a dead Female ♀ Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), , who died at Jungleland Thousand Oaks animal farm (Louis Goebel), in United States, .
Old Emma was born wild 1936.
"When the Ringling Show brought over the German elephants in 1947 they decided to sell off a number of old timers the following winter at $2,000 apiece. Obert, Kelly and D.R. made a trip to Sarasota and bought four "Cross Country Babe", "Emma", "Jess" and "Victoria" ... Shortly after returning to Hugo they sold "Babe" (Cross Country Babe) to Curley Vernon (United Exposition Shows) and "Emma" to Louis Goebel, each for $4,000. In other words the Millers wound up with two free elephants. They called Concello to see if they had any more elephants for sale but having heard of the transaction he politely declined. D.R. told me there were 12 and they tried to" buy them all but Concello said no, only four to a customer." //Buckles Woodcock
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