this elephant with unknown name is a living an elephant with unknown sex, an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) , located at the Radhe Krishna Temple Elephant Welfare Trust (RKTEWT), in India.
this elephant with unknown name arrived in 2023-04-23 to the Radhe Krishna Temple Elephant Welfare Trust (RKTEWT), relocated from the Namsai district unspecified location, in India.
this elephant with unknown name lives together with 66 other elephants at the Radhe Krishna Temple Elephant Welfare Trust (RKTEWT):
this elephant with unknown name was born unknown .
2023-04-22: Despite opposition from various wildlife organisations and Moran Students’ Union, 20 elephants were transported out of Arunachal Pradesh’s Namsai District on Friday morning. A Supreme Court-appointed High-Powered Committee (HPC) allowed the transfer of elephants to the Radha Krishna Temple Elephant Trust in Jamnagar supported by Reliance Industries Limited.
(The name this elephant with unknown name is already submitted into the link, just click on the link for relevant results)