this elephant with unknown name is a living an elephant with unknown sex, an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) , located at the Uda Walawe Elephant Transit Home, in Sri Lanka.
this elephant with unknown name arrived in 2018-07-25 to the Uda Walawe Elephant Transit Home, relocated from the Sri Lanka unspecified location, in Sri Lanka.
this elephant with unknown name lives together with 21 other elephants at the Uda Walawe Elephant Transit Home:
this elephant with unknown name was born wild 2017?, captured 2018 , captured at Hambantota Suriyawewa.
2018-07-25: "A Group of Wildlife officers had found the one-year-old disabled calf this Sunday during a wildlife mission in Suriyawewa Hambantota. The baby jumbo was seen hobbling with the assistance of its Trunk because its front legs were deformed. [...] The baby elephant was currently undergoing treatment at the Udawalawa Eth Athuru Sewana"
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