Renato Medini

From the list of elephant persons Family: Medini

Renato Medini
Profession circus director
Personal details

Spouse(s) Hella Medini

Country Italy

Title owner -1969
Location at Circus Medrano-Swoboda in Austria

Biography details

Renato Medini , circus director in Italy


Three of the Swoboda sisters, Therese, Anita and Helena (Hella), had married and settled in Italy, where they had rented the Medrano name to various Italian circuses. Therese had died in 1951, and Anita eventually left the circus; Hella, who had married Renato Medini, of the famous Italian circus family, eventually remained sole owner of the title. In 1972, Medrano seemed to Leonida Casartelli a perfect name for his circus: Casartelli exploited the same market as had the Swobodas, a market where the Medrano title had gained, over the years, prestige and recognition. He made a deal with Renato Medini, and legally purchased a name that belonged to the seller somewhat illegitimately.
Raffaele De Ritis, Italy

Hella Swoboda-Medini and her husband eventually sold the title Medrano to the successful Italian circus director Leonida Casartelli. Circo Medrano (now known in the business as Circus Medrano-Casartelli), resumed its international tours, and became one of Italy’s premier circuses.

Together Renato and Hella Medini had two children, Clarissa Medini (born December 24, 1950) and Mario Medini (born December 17, 1951).
Dominique Jando, Circus Medrano-Swoboda


Total: 2 children

  1. Clarissa Medini. Born: 1950-12-24. Dead: † ?
  2. Mario Medini. Born: 1951-12-17.

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2024). director Renato Medini in Austria. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 1 May 2024 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

Selected publications

Links about Mario Medini

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Categories director | circus | Circus Medrano-Swoboda | Medini family | People from Italy

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