
From the list of elephant persons Family: Kura

Profession camp mahout
Personal details
Ethnic group Kuruba
Country India

Title mahout 2021-
Location at Ramapura camp in India

Title -2021
Location at Aane Mane Foundation base camp in India

Biography details

J. K. Kura , Kuruba camp mahout in India


I first met Kurana in 1995, a Mahout working for the Karnataka Forest Department at Dubare elephant camp, when I came to choose his elephant Vikrama for the film "Hathi". The son of a Mahout himself, he came from the Heart of the Jenu Kuruba elephant tradition, the main centre of which, in his time, was Hebale camp, near Thittimati. His first experience was in the capture and training of elephants caught by the pit method. He ended his career taking care of Vikrama elephant, a tall Tusker who was captured with tranquilizers and then trained in a kraal (corral). Kurana became my "Dersu Uzala" when I settled in his region, he was my friend and Guide into the elephant world of the Jenu Kurubas.

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2025). mahout J. K. Kura in India. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 11 March 2025 at https://www.elephant.se/person.php?id=728. (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

Selected publications

Links about Kurana

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Categories mahout | camp | Aane Mane Foundation base camp | Kura family | Kuruba people | People from India

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