Albert C. Ringling

From the list of elephant persons Family: Ringling

Albert C. Ringling
Profession circus director
Personal details
Dead 1916 Wisconsin in United States
Country United States

Title owner 1907-1916
Location at Barnum & Bailey Circus in United States

Title owner 1884-1916
Location at Ringling Bros. Circus in United States

Biography details

Albert Carl Ringling , circus director in United States

Born 1852 dead 1916 in United States , son of assistant director August Ringling and assistant director Marie Salomé Ringling .

The eldest of the seven Ringling brothers, Albert (Al) C. Ringling was the founder and leader of the Ringling Bros. Circus, which grew from a small overland show into the country’s largest and most celebrated touring circus.

1907: Barnum and Bailey Circus circus was eventually sold to Ringling Brothers on July 8, 1907 for a price of US$400,000.

Albert Carl "Al" Ringling (1852–1916). Albert divorced his wife in 1914 and died of Bright's disease at the age of 63 in Wisconsin.


Siblings through the father August Ringling (1826 -- 1898):

  1. Ida Ringling Born 1874 Dead: † 1950
  2. Augustus Ringling Born 1854 Dead: † 1907-12-18
  3. William Ringling Born 1858 Dead: † 1911
  4. Alfred Ringling Born 1861 Dead: † 1919
  5. Charles Ringling Born 1863-12-02 Dead: † 1926-12-03
  6. Johan Ringling Born 1866-05-31 Dead: † 1936-12-02
  7. Henry Ringling Born 1869 Dead: † 1918

Albert C. Ringling s ancestral Ahnentafel:


Albert C. Ringling
Born: 1852

Heinrich Ringling

Born: 1826

Paternal Grandfather:

Paternal Great-grandfather:
Paternal Great-grandmother:
Paternal Grandmother:

Paternal Great-grandfather::
Paternal Great-grandmother:

Marie Juliar

Born: 1833

Maternal Grandfather:
Nicholas Juliar

Born: 1798
Maternal Great-grandfather:
Maternal Great-grandmother:
Maternal Grandmother:
Maria Etling

Born: 1806-12-09
Maternal Great-grandfather:
Maternal Great-grandmother:

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2024). director Albert Carl Ringling in United States. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 1 May 2024 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

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Categories director | circus | Barnum & Bailey Circus | Ringling family | Born 1852 | Dead 1916 | People from United States

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