Napoléon Rancy

From the list of elephant persons Family: Rancy

Napoléon Rancy
Profession circus director
Personal details
Born 1866-05-22 Metz in France
Dead 1932-03-06 Paris in France
Country France

Title owner 1892-1932
Location at Circus Rancy in France

Biography details

Napoléon Rancy , circus director in France

Born 1866-05-22 in France dead 1932-03-06 in France , son of director Théodore Rancy and director Olive Rancy .

Fourth child of Théodore Rancy and Olive, née Loyal, he was born on May 22, 1866, in Metz.

At thirteen, he started as an equestrian acrobat with his brother Alphonse and his sister Sabine (first of the name). Like members of the entire family, he appeared in the numerous pantomimes put on by his father.

During the marriage of his sister Sabine to Henri Gallici , the son of Pietro Gallici , owner of the famous fairground theater, in 1890, he fell in love with sister-in-law Marie .

The following year, on April 22, in Lyon, they were married.

They had three children:

Théodora Rancy, known as Dora , born March 27, 1892, in Marseille…
Pierre Henri Rancy, known as Henri, born April 15, 1896, in Lyon…
Sonia-Jeanne Rancy known as Sonia , born March 25, 1899, in the capital of Gaul.

1893: A horseman, Napoléon Rancy entered the ring in 1893 with his mare Moselle. Three years later, he led a Group of 4 horses, as well as the mounted Troika number.
1898: Curious about the progress of science, he took a close interest in electricity and light effects. Among other things, he had adjusted the lighting for the pantomime César Cascabel, in 1898
1899:he performed in a high school number in a sulky.
1901: in Geneva, presented Tartarin I the musical horse.

After the death of his father Theodore , he and his siblings assisted their mother Olive in running the business.

1902: An independent and innovative spirit, Napoléon Rancy decided to stand on his own two Feet when his brother Alphonse took over the effective management of the family circus in 1902.

While cinema had become a fairground attraction, he launched into this promising industry. However, the competition was fierce, so he had to come up with a new idea. Some time later, he traveled the fairs with an enchanted river on the theme of Venice. It was a dream trip where the public boarded a gondola which traveled along a canal whose decorations evoked the palaces of the Serenissima. This great fairground attraction achieved enormous success, notably at the Marseille Colonial Fair in 1906.

1910: According to the corporate magazine Der Artist , Napoléon Rancy launched his two-masted marquee, 40 meters in diameter, in 1910, with a circus show. Paris welcomed him at the Quai de Valmy, from October 22 to November 2. The troop was made up of the cavalry of Professor Verdan, the jockey Moustier and Minigio and his learned donkey.
1911: With his marquee, Napoléon Rancy traveled across France in 1911.
1912: From March 7 to 10, 1912, he settled in Melun, with the program the Klein cycling troupe, the Conche hare hunt , the clowns Bijou and Lavata. Henri Rancy and Dora Rancy hosted the equestrian part.
1914: For the duration of five performances, Napoléon Rancy made a visit to Lyon in May 1914. The program announced Lockart's elephants trained by Professor Taylor. His son Henri , aged 18, was incorporated into the 114th artillery regiment. He took part in the Fighting in Aisne, where he was wounded two years later. During this period, Napoleon returned to the family circus led by his brother Alphonse Rancy. Once his son Henri recovered, Napoléon Rancy set off again on the roads of France, with major stops in 1919: Le Havre and Lyon.

1919: His daughter Sonia married Georges Elie Rapsomanekis on September 3, 1919.
1929: Marie and Napoléon Rancy had the great joy of learning, on October 13, 1929, the birth of Sabine (second of the name) the daughter of Tilly and Henri .
1932: While in Paris on March 6, 1932, Napoleon Rancy got into a taxi. On Boulevard des Batignolles, the vehicle was sideswiped by two trams and was completely crushed. The driver and Napoléon Rancy were immediately transported to Beaujon hospital. Unfortunately, Napoleon Rancy died shortly after. The funeral took place on the 11th, in the Sainte-Genviève church in Asnières. He was buried the following month in the Guillotière cemetery in Lyon.


Total: 1 children

  1. Henri Rancy. Born: 1896-04-15.


Siblings through the father Théodore Rancy (1818-07-23 -- 1892-06-04):

  1. Alphonse Rancy Born 1861-09-29 Dead: † 1932-10-18

Napoléon Rancy s ancestral Ahnentafel:


Napoléon Rancy
Born: 1866-05-22

Jean Rancy

Born: 1818-07-23

Paternal Grandfather:

Paternal Great-grandfather:
Paternal Great-grandmother:
Paternal Grandmother:

Paternal Great-grandfather::
Paternal Great-grandmother:

Olive Loyal


Maternal Grandfather:
Claude-Pierre Loyal

Born: 1795
Maternal Great-grandfather:
Maternal Great-grandmother:
Maternal Grandmother:

Maternal Great-grandfather:
Maternal Great-grandmother:

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2024). director Napoléon Rancy in France. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 1 May 2024 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

Selected publications

Links about Henri Rancy

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Categories director | circus | Circus Rancy | Rancy family | Born 1866 | Dead 1932 | People from France

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