Henrik Svanholm Møller

From the list of elephant persons Family: Svanholm Møller

Henrik Svanholm Møller
Henrik  Svanholm Møller

Personal details
Country Denmark

Title elephant keeper 1991-1995
Location at Circus Benneweis in Denmark

Biography details

Henrik Svanholm Møller , circus elephant keeper in Denmark

Born 1976 in Denmark , son of assistant director Johnny Svanholm Møller and assistant director Lisa Møller .

Being the son of Johnny Svanholm Møller, Artistic director, and Lisa Møller, cashier on Circus Benneweis, Henrik was born in Copenhagen in 1976, when Benneweiss was performing on "Cirkusbygningen" for several years.

He grew up helping out in all various work with the animals on the circus, and was already in early years assisting the elephant keepers of Benneweis elephant Herd, where he got a steady employment as elephant keeper in 1991.

Henrik  Svanholm Møller

Henrik  Svanholm MøllerHenrik and Kim Benneweis.

Henrik  Svanholm MøllerFrom left; Thai, Henrik, and Inda.

Henrik is today continuing the animal training traditions, as owner of Dronningmølle æsel og kameludlejning (English: Dronningmølle camel and Donkey rental), a company which since 2004 rent out camels and donkeys for show and rides.

Henrik Svanholm Møller s ancestral Ahnentafel:


Henrik Svanholm Møller
Born: 1976

Johnny Svanholm Møller

Born: 1952

Paternal Grandfather:

Paternal Great-grandfather:
Paternal Great-grandmother:
Paternal Grandmother:

Paternal Great-grandfather::
Paternal Great-grandmother:

Lisa Møller

Born: ?

Maternal Grandfather:

Maternal Great-grandfather:
Maternal Great-grandmother:
Maternal Grandmother:

Maternal Great-grandfather:
Maternal Great-grandmother:

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2024). elephant keeper Henrik Svanholm Møller in Denmark. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 1 May 2024 at https://www.elephant.se/person.php?id=2208. (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

  • Henrik Svanholm Møller, Denmark

Selected publications

Links about Henrik Svanholm Møller

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Categories elephant keeper | circus | Circus Benneweis | Svanholm Møller family | Born 1976 | People from Denmark

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