Louisa L. Brown

From the list of elephant persons Family: Ciseck

Louisa L. Brown
Louisa  Ciseck

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Personal details

Spouse(s) William C. Brown

Spouse(s) Francois Tourniaire

Country United States

Title animal trainer 1846-
Location at June Bros. Circus in United States

Biography details

Louisa L. Ciseck , circus animal trainer in United States

Born 1825 in France dead 1901-04-12 in United States .

Records about Louisa L. Brown from the Circus Historical Society
Louisa Brown, who passed away at Philadelphia last week, was the mother of the circus profession, being the first lady bareback rider. She was born in Germany, of a family of acrobats, and entered the profession when 5 years old. The girl was taken charge of by the Tournaire family, and under their tutelage she first began to ride. With them she journeyed to England, and in London first began to ride erect. This was in the early forties, and a few years later the family came to this country with June Bros. Circus. Soon after arriving in America the girl became the wife of Francois Tournaire, the head of the family. After leaving the June Bros., Mme. Tournaire rode in all the old-time circuses. Dan Rice took her through the South; the young P. T. Barnum had her with his organization. She was also with Smith, Nathan and Sands. Mr. and Mrs. Tournaire bought a farm for a winter resting place in Peapack, N. J., and there, thirty years ago, he died. But he had left behind a daughter, and she had taken to the ring as Miss Josephine Tournaire. Madame Tournaire again married, and this time it was William C. Brown, a performer. He died two years ago. They had one daughter, who was known as "Millie" Brown when she began to ride. Josephine Tournaire marred James De Mott, a performer, and they have four children, three of whom have been in the profession. One, a daughter, married Stickney, the acrobat, and appears today; another daughter married Charles M. Robinson, a member of the family of circus men of this city; while the third, a son, is now with Barnum & Bailey. The fourth child, a son, has never appeared in the ring, confining himself to the business end of amusement enterprises. After she had become too old to ride bareback, Madame Brown became a rider of trained horses, and continued at that until twenty years ago, when she retired, with her husband, to the pretty home at Frankford.


Total: 2 children

  1. Born: . Josephine Tournaire
  2. Born: 1860. Dead: † 1924 Millie Brown

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2024). animal trainer Louisa L. Ciseck in United States. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 1 May 2024 at https://www.elephant.se/person.php?id=1663. (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

Selected publications

Links about Millie Brown

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Categories animal trainer | circus | June Bros. Circus | Ciseck family | Born 1825 | Dead 1901 | People from United States

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