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Le Souef family

List of Le Souef family

From the list of persons with family name Le Souef

Database records of selected members from the family Le Souef

  1. Albert Sherbourne Le Souef, zoo director, Son of director Albert Le Souef and Caroline Le Souef
  2. Albert Le Souef, zoo director, born 1828-04-17, dead 1902-05-07.
  3. Ernest Albert Le Souef, zoo director, born 1869-09-13, dead 1937-11-27. Son of director Albert Le Souef and Caroline Le Souef
  4. Nancy Le Souef, zoo assistant director, born 1908-01-12, dead ?. Daughter of director Ernest Albert Le Souef
  5. Dudley Le Souef, zoo director, born 1856-09-28, dead 1923-09-06. Son of director Albert Le Souef and Caroline Le Souef

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Elephant Encyclopedia and database

Established 1995
Established 2006
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