Holzmüller family

List of Holzmüller family

From the list of persons with family name Holzmüller

Database records of selected members from the family Holzmüller

  1. Helene Althoff, circus assistant director, born 1814-01-04, Daughter of director Jacob Holzmüller and Anna Hogen
  2. Augusta Holzmüller, circus director, born 1907, dead 1981. Daughter of director Josef Holzmüller Sr. and Catharina Holzmüller
  3. Emilia Holzmüller, circus animal trainer, born ?, Daughter of director Karl Holzmüller
  4. Ingerose Holzmüller, circus animal trainer, Daughter of animal trainer Josef Holzmüller Jr. and Maria Gutsel-Bauer
  5. Jacob Holzmüller, circus director,
  6. Johann Holzmüller, circus director, born 1787-02-13, dead 1843.
  7. Josef Holzmüller Jr., circus animal trainer, dead 2017. Son of director Josef Holzmüller Sr. and Catharina Holzmüller
  8. Josef Holzmüller Sr., circus director, born 1872, dead 1947.
  9. Karl Holzmüller, circus director, Son of director Johann Holzmüller and Kreszentina Heppenheimer
  10. Leni Fischer, circus director, Daughter of director Josef Holzmüller Sr. and Catharina Holzmüller
  11. Max Holzmüller, circus director, and elephant trainer, born ?, Son of director Josef Holzmüller Sr. and Catharina Holzmüller
  12. Monique Holzmuller, circus director, born 1942-03-11, dead 2024-02-24. Daughter of animal trainer Josef Holzmüller Jr. and Maria Gutsel-Bauer
  13. Rosalia Holzmüller, circus animal trainer, born 1913-05-11, dead 2000-11-26. Daughter of director Karl Holzmüller and Anna Fischer
  14. Walburga Holzmüller, circus artist, born 1916-05-10, Daughter of director Karl Holzmüller and Anna Fischer
  15. Willi Holzmüller, circus director, and elephant trainer, born 1916, dead 1973. Son of director Josef Holzmüller Sr. and Catharina Holzmüller

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