Vidbels Old Tyme Circus (Alfred Vidbel) elephants, is a private elephant owner, living in Siam road in Windham, United States , was born in 1984.Vidbels Old Tyme Circus (Alfred Vidbel) elephants died in 2004.
In 1984, Al and Joyce launched their own family circus, Vidbel’s Old Tyme Circus, an ambitious one-ring show. Joyce was in charge of running the performances while Jenny, Susan and Al finished their commitments with other shows. It didn’t take long for Jenny Vidbel to become an attraction in her own right: in 1986, when she was just 11, Jenny presented her liberty pony act in the family-owned circus. After touring the country for almost 15 years, Al and Joyce retired from Vidbel’s Old Tyme Circus and left it for Jenny Vidbel, Susan Vidbel, and former Ringling Bros. Boss Clown, Scott O’Donnell, to run. In 2004, after many exciting and rewarding years, the family’s circus gave its last performance.