Deceased elephants at North Carolina Zoo in United States

This database list 8 dead elephants

Nr Sex Species Name Id Status Arrival locationImport
1+ ♀ LA Little Diamond SSP id: 170 36Born: captive-born 1978-03-02
Louie (Old Diamond) x Toto
Dead:2014-06-17 (19 years after arrival), unknown impacted large intestine from eating sand
1995-05-04 Knoxville Zoo
2+ ♀ LA Toto SSP id: 40 36Born: wild 1962 Dead:1998-09-29 (3 years after arrival), unknown unknown after autopsy - incinerated1995-05-04 Knoxville Zoo1965?
3+ ♀ LA Peanuts SSP id: 105 20Born: wild 1970 Dead:1990-07-31 (8 years after arrival), disease infection associated hemic & lymph viral; incinerated1982-11-24 Franklin Park Zoo
4+ ♀ LA Teela SSP id: 161 16Born: wild 1978 Dead:1994-05-30 (13 years after arrival), disease Infection associated unknown digestive bacterial1981-09-13 J. C. Schulz Inc.
5+ ♀ LA Tinker SSP id: 156 13Born: wild 1977 Dead:1990-10-07 (11 years after arrival), euthanised 1979-05-26 International Animal Exchange (Ferndale)1979
6+ ♀ LA Cookie SSP id: 154 3Born: wild 1977 Dead:1980-04-25, disease infection associated generalized bacterial; buried1979-05-26 International Animal Exchange (Ferndale)1979
7+ ♀ LA Zelda SSP id: 155 3Born: wild 1977 Dead:1980-04-13, disease infection associated, generalized viral; incinerated1979-05-26 International Animal Exchange (Ferndale)1979
8+ ♀ LA Nita SSP id: 132 28Born: wild 1974 Dead:2002-10-10 (23 years after arrival), disease Infection associated1979-05-26 International Animal Exchange (Ferndale)

Source for the list of elephants deceased at North Carolina Zoo

Reference list

Facts about Deceased elephants at North Carolina Zoo in United States, Elephant Encyclopedia, Koehl, D. (2025), available online retrieved 28 March 2025 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this list:

Latest updateName of elephantSource (if it is a website, the target website will open in new window)
2014-06-24 Little Diamond:• Ryan Gilli
•  Richard Chiger
• Ryan Easley, USA
• The Elephants of the Watani Grasslands
• Knoxville Hopes to Lead the Herd in Elep
2008-12-30 Toto:• Ryan Easley, USA
•  Knoxville Hopes to Lead the Herd in Elephant Breeding
•  Christoffer Brack, Wüppertal, Germany. Facebook:
2008-12-27 Zelda:• Ryan Easley, USA
2008-12-25 Cookie:• Ryan Easley, USA
2008-12-24 Nita:• Ryan Easley, USA
• N.C. Zoo Mourns Loss of Two Beloved Animals
2008-12-24 Tinker:• Ryan Easley, USA
2008-12-07 Teela:• Ryan Easley, USA

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