Campbell, Bailey & Hutchinson Circus in United States

Campbell, Bailey & Hutchinson Circus
Local name Campbell-Bailey-Hutchinson Circus

Owner 1920-1923: Fred B. Hutchinson
1920-1923: William P. Campbell
Closed down1923
Country United States


Key People


Elephant department

Head keepers
of elephants

Elephant keepers
Record history
History of updates2022-04-16

Latest document update2022-04-16 14:48:31

Campbell, Bailey & Hutchinson Circus, United States , was founded in 1920. Campbell, Bailey & Hutchinson Circus closed down in 1923.

Comments / pictures1919: Fred B. Hutchinson (his mother was a sister of Mrs. James A. Bailey, wife of the famous showman) and William P. Campbell organized and framed a new 10 car, flat car type, circus during the winter of 1919-20 at Okeene, Okla. and had it ready to take to the road in the spring of 1920.

1920: William P. Hall has sold to the Campbell, Bailey & Hutchinson Show four car loads of circus wagons, two elephants an d a car load of horses. Mr. Hill is also shipping a car load of dapple grays to Charles Sparks at Macon, Ga. Mr. Hall receives orders for horses every day from show people in this as well as foreign countries. A cablegram was received last week from Hamburg, Germany, announcing the safe arrival of a large shipment of horses. (Billboard 1920)

References for records about Campbell, Bailey & Hutchinson Circus

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2025). Campbell, Bailey & Hutchinson Circus, Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at (archived at the Wayback machine)

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