Bullen's African Lion Safari in Warragamba in Australia

Bullen's African Lion Safari in Warragamba
Local name African Lion Safari (Warragamba)

Owner 1968-1991: Stafford Bullen
Closed down1991
Address Warragamba and Wallacia
Place Sydney
StateNew South Wales
Country Australia


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History of updates2021-11-18

Latest document update2021-11-18 15:17:56
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Bullen's African Lion Safari in Warragamba, located at Warragamba and Wallacia, in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia , was founded in 1968. Bullen's African Lion Safari in Warragamba closed down in 1991.

Comments / picturesThe African Lion Safari (Warragamba). opened by Stafford Bullen in 1968, operated near Warragamba on the outskirts of Sydney in New South Wales, Australia, however sometime after this it relocated to neighbouring Wallacia, it eventually closed in 1991.

A feature at the venture was the 7 elephants that had performed during the travelling circus days. In Wallacia the main attraction was a circus and a drive-through animal petting zoo and you drove around with your windows down feeding the wildlife.
Lyn Forde, Nepean News

The park continued to hold animals there that were used in a circus. On August 7, 1995 several lionesses escaped from the park, terrorised the nearby townships of Warragamba & Silverdale and killed a dog. The lioness responsible for killing the dog was shot. As a result of the escape the park was required to upgrade facilities. A bear had also previously escaped and was shot by residents.

A number of water buffalo also escaped the park after it closed and are now living wild in the surrounding bushland.

References for records about Bullen's African Lion Safari in Warragamba

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2024). Bullen's African Lion Safari in Warragamba, Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at https://www.elephant.se/location2.php?location_id=568. (archived at the Wayback machine)

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