Deceased elephants at Duisburg Zoo in Germany

This database list 7 dead elephants

Nr Sex Species Name Id Status Arrival locationImport
1+ ♀ LA Kari (Khari) EEP id: 7403 32Born: 1974 Dead:2006-06-07 (10 years after arrival), disease intestinal1996-11-27 Carl Hagenbecks Tierpark (Stellingen)
2+ ♀ LA Zimba II 10Born: wild 1985 Dead:1995-09-22 (9 years after arrival), accident fracture. fell inte dry moat?1986-10-17 Ruhr Zoo, Gelsenkirchen
3+ ♀ LA Zimba 10Born: wild 1985 Dead:1995-09-00 (9 years after arrival), euthanised 1986-08-05
4+ ♀ LC Gbaya 27Born: wild 1958 Dead:1985-08-19 (24 years after arrival), accident pushed into dry moat1961-09-11
5+ ♀ LA Khadidja 24Born: wild 1952 Dead:1976-01-13 (22 years after arrival), disease arthritis1954-00-00 Carl Hagenbecks Tierpark (Stellingen)
6+ ♀ EM Singora EEP id: 4904 44Born: wild 1943 Dead:1987-01-30 (34 years after arrival), disease heart problems, Infection1953-06-01 Carl Hagenbecks Tierpark (Stellingen)
7+ ♀ EM Meneki 46Born: wild 1946 Dead:1992-01-29 (39 years after arrival), anesthesia arthritis1953-05-19

Source for the list of elephants deceased at Duisburg Zoo

Reference list

Facts about Deceased elephants at Duisburg Zoo in Germany, Elephant Encyclopedia, Koehl, D. (2025), available online retrieved 29 March 2025 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this list:

Latest updateName of elephantSource (if it is a website, the target website will open in new window)
2012-02-25 Gbaya:• The African Forest Elephant and its status in captivity. Part 1: Europe, by Don Cousins, International Zoo News No. 251 (41/2) March 1994. Online list at
•  Peter Schröer, Duisburg Zoo
2011-09-01 Meneki:• Documentation 2002 - Elephants in European Zoos and Safari Parks published by European Elephant Group: Haufellner, Schilfarth, Schweiger
•  Peter Schröer, Duisburg Zoo
2009-11-23 Singora:• Elefanten - Mein Leben, by Karl Kock
• Erland Axel Wadsten, Stockholm
• Peter Schröer, Duisburg Zoo
2009-11-23 Khadidja:• Elefanten - Mein Leben, by Karl Kock
2009-09-19 Zimba:• Peter Schröer, Duisburg Zoo
2008-03-24 Kari (Khari):• Peter Schröer, Duisburg Zoo
2007-03-24 Zimba II:• Peter Schröer, Duisburg Zoo

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