Bridgeport Harbor in United States

Bridgeport Harbor

Place Bridgeport
Country United States


Key People


Elephant department

Head keepers
of elephants

Elephant keepers
Record history
History of updates2023-08-21

Latest document update2023-08-21 18:15:27

Bridgeport Harbor, in Bridgeport, Connecticut, United States .

Comments / pictures
Records about Bridgeport Harbor from Ryan Easleys Blog at
I have found the names for eight imported to Bridgeport, Connecticut, on November 10, 1923 - Blanche, Buggs, Dolly, Eva, Joyce, Mabel, May & Minnie. Who was the ninth?

Records about Bridgeport Harbor from William "Buckles" Woodcocks Blog at
1923-39 Ringling- Barnum
(Among the 9 RBBB elephants dropped off in Baldwin Park in 1939 when Walter McLain picked thru the cream of the H-W Herd adding 12.
1940- Among the 19 surplus Ringling elephants now in Venice, Calif.)
1941- Among the 12 surplus Ringling elephants now in Thousand Oaks, Calif. that was eventually shipped to Sarasota Jan.1, 1942.
1942- Ringling-Barnum
Died in Cleveland menagerie fire August 4.

This was a tough elephant, I have a newspaper clipping showing her wallering an elephant hand around with the Ringling Show.

William "Buckles" Woodcock

References for records about Bridgeport Harbor

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2025). Bridgeport Harbor, Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at (archived at the Wayback machine)

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