Black Horse Inn in United States

Black Horse Inn

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First elephant arrived1821
Opened for public1744
Last elephant left1822
Address Flourtown
Zip-code PA 19031
Place Philadelphia
Country United States


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History of updates2021-07-30

Latest document update2021-07-30 12:45:12
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Black Horse Inn, located at Flourtown, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States , was founded in 1744, opened for public in 1744 and the first elephant arrived in 1821. The last elephant left in 1822.

Comments / picturesBlack Horse Inn, also known as Sampson & the Lion, is a historic inn and tavern located in Flourtown, Springfield Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. The original section was built in 1744, and is a 2+1⁄2-story, stuccoed stone structure, with a 1-story, stone kitchen addition in the rear. The original section measures 16 Feet by 18 Feet, and the kitchen addition 15 Feet by 15 Feet. In 1833, a three-story addition was made to the north and between 1880 and 1908, three one-story additions were made to the rear. Also in 1833, a one-story porch was added to the front, west, and south sides. The building is in the Federal style.

References for records about Black Horse Inn

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2024). Black Horse Inn, Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at (archived at the Wayback machine)

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