La Brea Tar Pits in United States

La Brea Tar Pits

Typeexcavation site

Address 5801 Wilshire Blvd
Zip-code CA 90036
Place Los Angeles
Country United States


Key People


Elephant department

Head keepers
of elephants

Elephant keepers
Record history
History of updates2021-07-08

Latest document update2021-07-08 05:09:29
Google map

La Brea Tar Pits, located at 5801 Wilshire Blvd, in Los Angeles, California, United States .

Comments / picturesLa Brea Tar Pits are a Group of tar pits around which Hancock Park was formed in urban Los Angeles. Natural asphalt (also called asphaltum, bitumen, pitch, or tar—brea in Spanish) has seeped up from the ground in this area for tens of thousands of years. The tar is often covered with dust, leaves, or water. Over many centuries, the tar preserved the bones of trapped animals.

Over one million bones from Columbian Mammoths have been collected out of the Rancho La Brea tar pits since 1906.

References for records about La Brea Tar Pits

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2025). La Brea Tar Pits, Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at (archived at the Wayback machine)

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