E.A.G. van den Brink in Netherlands

E.A.G. van den Brink

Owner -: Frans van den Brink
Closed down1996
Address Harderwijk
Place Gelderland
Country Netherlands

Directors: Mareille Kip-Van den Brink (assistant director)

Key People -: Ernst-Jan Kip (zookeeper)


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E.A.G. van den Brink, located at Harderwijk, in Gelderland, Netherlands . E.A.G. van den Brink closed down in 1996.

Comments / picturesOften referred to as Soest Zoo in studbooks, animal dealer Mr van den Brink imported a large number of elephants, especially in the late nineties, from Myanmar (Burma), and often through his farm in Soest. Many of the Asian elephants from Burma were claimed to be captive bred, but without any significant confirmation of captive breeding. Mr van den Brink supplied Europe with many young elephants, which today my be up to 80% of the breeding material.

Without those imports of new young elephants from Burma, Europe would have had problems to keep the numbers of Asian elephants in European Zoos at level today.

1963: unknown name sold to Paris Zoo, where it died young.

1977: Asian elephants from Myanmar sold to among others; Sitakali to Danzig Zoo (Zoo Gdansk),

1979: Asian female Urvashi and male Tarun sold to Dvur Kralove Zoo (both from India?).

1980: African elephants imported from South Africa: among them Mongu sold to Zoo Dresden. From Asia; Vendi (Vendy) sold to Usti nad Labem Zoo.

1984-1985: A Group of African elephants were imported from Zimbabwe, among them: Maja and Gula from Zimbabwe sold 1984 to Bojnice Zoo, Rosa sold 1985 to Longleat. Also 2 (claimed female) Asian elephants from Mynmar; 1. Kima/Achima, 2. possibly the male Kanto? (Konto), by boat 1985 to Singapore, and by plane to Zoo Seoul, Korea, 1985.

1987: Moola from Myanmar to Milwaukee County Zoo, USA.

1988: In this database at least 13 elephants delivered in in 1988.

1989: In this database a total of 10 elephants delivered in in 1989.

1990: In this database a total of 18 elephants delivered in in 1990.

1996: In October 1996, the quarantine facilities at the farm Soeste of van den Brink, were closed down by the Dutch Government to build houses on this land.

Frans daughter Mareille Kip-Van den Brink today operates the Zoo Animal Transport company EKIPA together with her husband, Ernst-Jan Kip.

From correspondence in 2014 with Mr van den Brink regarding imports
In remembrance of our 42 elephants. Shipment took place from 1976 to 1997, by boat from Rangoon, Burma to Rotterdam. In Holland by truck to our farm in Soest.

  • 2 females, from Rangoon by boat to Japan, accompanied by my friend, Mr Siemsen.
  • 2 females, by boat to Singapore, by plane to Zoo Seoul, Korea. Kima (Achima), +?
    (maybe 1 male Konto?, 1 female? //Koehl)

  • 1986
  • 1 female, from Rangoon to USA Milwaukee, accompanied by my friend Mr Harry Oosterwaal, in memoriam. (Moola)

  • 1988

  • 1988: 8 animals, 1 male and 7 females to Zoo Emmen, Holland. They were inspected at Rangoon Zoo by Mr Rieks. (1.Naing Thein, 2.Htoo Kin Aye, 3.Htoo Yin Aye, 4.Khaing Lwin Htoo, 5.Swe San Thay, 6.Thiha Phyu, 7.Thi Ha Way, 8.Yu Zin)
  • 1 female from Soest to Zoo Maubeuge, France. (Birma)

  • 1989
  • 3 females to London Zoo, inspected by Mr Brian and Mr John in Rangoon Zoo; Burma. Khaing Mya (Khine Mya Htoo), Kahing Khi Khin and Khaing Hwia See
  • 5 females to Zoo Rhenen, Holland. They were inspected by Mr Peter up country and at Rangoon Zoo. (Khaing Hnin Hnin, Khaing Nwe, Khaing Phyo Phyo, Tin Tin Htoo, Yu Yu Yin)
    (it seems that Khaing Soe Soe also was in this Group, making them 6)

  • 1990
  • 2 females from Soest to Baby Zoo Rappersville, Switzerland. (Rani and Sabu)+(Indi and Mapalay)
  • 1 female from Soest to Circus Berolina, Berlin, DDR. (Jenny)
  • 2 females from Soest to Zoo Palmir, Ms Claude, France. (Alix and Malicia)
  • 2 females from Soest to Twycross Zoo, UK. Their inspecor came over to inspect the animals at our farm in Soest. (Minbu (Mimbu) and Tonzi)
  • 3 females, from Soest to Safari Park St. Vrain, France (Momo (Maman), La Grande and La Petite)
  • 1990: 3 animals, 1 male and 3 females from Soest to Tierpark Berlin DDR, to my friend in memoriam, professor Dr. Dathe. (Ankhor (Angkor)), (Kewa)
  • 6 females of which one mother (Winthida) and her female baby (Jula) to Zoo Amersfort, Holland. They were inspected in Burma by Mr Mario. (Winthida and Jula came directly from the Rotterdam harbour to Amersfoort. The other females were; Khine War War, Chit Mi Mi)

  • Frans van den Brink, Lutten, Holland, 2014

  • References for records about E.A.G. van den Brink

    Recommended Citation

    Koehl, Dan (2025). E.A.G. van den Brink, Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at https://www.elephant.se/location2.php?location_id=322. (archived at the Wayback machine)

    Sources used for this article is among others:

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