Deceased elephants at Amsterdam Artis Zoo in Netherlands

This database list 15 dead elephants

Nr Sex Species Name Id Status Arrival locationImport
1+ ♀ EM Mumba EEP id: 201108 4Born: captive-born 2011-06-18
Nikolai x Thong Tai
Dead:2015-12-08 (4 years after arrival), disease Elephant endotheliotropic herpes virus?
2+ ♂ EM noname EEP id: 200901 < 1 4Born: captive-born 2009-01-10
Nikolai x Thong Tai
Dead:2009-01-11, unknown born 2 months too early
3+ ♀ EM Barbara 36Born: unknown 1958 Dead:1994-04-28 (28 years after arrival), unknown 1966-03-17 Emmen Zoo
4+ ♂ EM Murugan 50Born: captive-born 1953-01-23 Dead:2003-06-04 (49 years after arrival), euthanised 1954-11-25 Muthanga elephant camp (East Wayanad)
5+ ♀ EM Betsy V 37Born: wild 1928 Dead:1965 (23 years after arrival), unknown 1942-00-00 Hague Zoo
6+ ♀ EM Gina EEP id: 3901 28Born: captive-born 1939-11-22
Piccolo x Birma II
Dead:1967-05-11 (28 years after arrival), euthanised cronic arthtritis
1939-12-15 Circus Strassburger
7+ ♀ EM Sabine 28Born: unknown Dead:1940 (5 years after arrival), unknown 1935-00-00 H. R. Rookmaker
8+ ♂ EM Radjah 28Born: wild 1919 Dead:, unknown 1929-10-20 Royal Dutch East Indies Army (Koninklijk Nederlandsch-Indisch Leger, KNIL)
9+ ♀ EM Bringing 10Born: unknown 1905 Dead:1915? (8 years after arrival), unknown 1907-00-00 Sultan Muhammad Husain Rahmad Shah II of Assahan
10+ ♀ EM Coba 31Born: wild 1904 Dead:1935 (29 years after arrival), euthanised abscess1906-05-13
11+ ♀ EM Betsy 13Born: unknown 1894 Dead:1907-07-31 (12 years after arrival), unknown 1895-00-00 Sultan Syarif Hasyim of Siak
12+ ♀ EM Rosa 18Born: unknown 1889 Dead:1907-07-29 (12 years after arrival), unknown 1895-00-00
13+ ♀ EM unknown 18Born: unknown Dead:, unknown 1864-00-00 Sloet van de Beele
14+ ♂ EM Jack 18Born: wild Dead:1849-08-08 (10 years after arrival), shot legally by officials when aggressive and unruly , shot by zoo staff, founder Westerman among them, to prevent escape or other problems1839-00-00 Menagerie van Aken
15+ ⚪ EM Toni (Tony) 18Born: unknown Dead:, unknown

Source for the list of elephants deceased at Amsterdam Artis Zoo

Reference list

Facts about Deceased elephants at Amsterdam Artis Zoo in Netherlands, Elephant Encyclopedia, Koehl, D. (2025), available online retrieved 29 March 2025 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this list:

Latest updateName of elephantSource (if it is a website, the target website will open in new window)
2020-10-03 Jack:• Gerald Postma, Netherlands
2018-03-18 Murugan:• Gerald Postma, Netherlands
Elephants and Egotists by Patricia Sumerling
•  Christoffer Brack, Wüppertal, Germany. Facebook:
2016-01-04 noname:• Peter Stolk, Netherlands
• Gerald Postma, Netherlands
• Martijn Fabrie
• (in dutch)
2016-01-04 Mumba:• Peter Stolk, Netherlands Rob Belterman
2010-08-30 Betsy V:•
• Gerald Postma, Netherlands
2010-04-22 Rosa:• Peter Stolk, Netherlands
• Goessche Courant 1907
• Gerald Postma, Netherlands
2010-04-22 Betsy:• Peter Stolk, Netherlands
• Goessche Courant 1907
• Gerald Postma, Netherlands
2010-04-21 Toni (Tony):• Newsarticle from Goessche_Courant 1907
2010-04-21 unknown:• Gerald Postma, Netherlands
2010-04-20 Radjah:• Gerald Postma, Netherlands
2010-04-20 Bringing:• Gerald Postma, Netherlands
• *NET
2010-04-20 Sabine:• Gerald Postma, Netherlands
• Jonas Livet, France
2009-11-11 Gina:• Page 93,
Jumbo auf dem Drahtseil - Elefanten dressuren von gestern und heute by Gerhard Zapf
• Gerald Postma, Netherlands
Elephants and Egotists by Patricia Sumerling
2008-09-16 Barbara:• 
Elephants and Egotists by Patricia Sumerling
• Gerald Postma, Netherlands
2007-03-16 Coba:• Gerald Postma, Netherlands

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