Berlin Zoo in Germany

Berlin Zoo

First elephant arrived1857
Address Hardenbergplatz 8 and Budapester Strasse 34
Place Berlin
Country Germany
Website Website
YouTube userYouTube

Directors 1844-1869: Hinrich Lichtenstein (director)
1869-1884: Heinrich Bodinus (director)
1885-1888: Max Schmidt (director)
1888-1931: Ludwig Heck (director)
1932-1945: Lutz Heck (director)
1939-1945: Wilhelm Windecker (assistant director)
1945-1956: Katharina Heinroth (director)
1956-1991: Heinz-Georg Klös (director)
1991-2002: Hans Frädrich (director)
2003-2007: Jürgen Lange (director)
2007-2014: Bernhard Blaszkiewitz (director)
2014: Andreas Knieriem (director)

Key People -: Lothar Schlawe (zoologist)


Elephant department

Head keepers
of elephants
1963-1974: Robert Jung
(elephant head-keeper)
?-1867: Pechler (killed 1867)
1974-1988 Gunther Goncz
1989- now Rudiger Pankow

Elephant keepers-1867: xx Schmidt
-1963: Robert Jung
-1963: Günther Lenz
Record history
History of updates2021-12-20

Latest document update2021-12-20 13:12:23
Google map

The elephant gate

The elephant gate
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Berlin Zoo, located at Hardenbergplatz 8 and Budapester Strasse 34, in Berlin, Berlin-Brandenburg, Germany , was founded in 1844 and the first elephant arrived in 1857.

Living elephants

At the Berlin Zoo lives 5 elephants with records in this database: (detail list)
  1. Anchali born 2012-08-12
  2. Carla born 1973-00-00
  3. Drumbo (Mary) born 1970-00-00
  4. Pang Pha born 1987-03-01
  5. Victor born 1993-10-23

Comments / pictures1844: Berlin Zoological Garden is the oldest Zoo in Germany, opened 1844.

1857: The first elephant was bought 1857 for 2 500 Taler from Menagerie Liphard.

Berlin Zoo in Germany Germany
The elephant Pagoda in 1930, in the background Harry in the bull enlcosure

Berlin Zoo in Germany Germany
Rannich and Omar.

Berlin Zoo in Germany Germany
"Elefantenpagoda, with Harry, 1930.

1939: before World war II, Berlin Zoo kept over 4 000 mammals, and over 1400 Species of birds.

1941: Bombs fell on Berlin Zoo, an antelope was the only animal to die (Heck, 1952, 142-143).

1943: The elephants and many other animals in Berlin Zoo were killed by the air attacks of November 22 and 23, 1943, and the BBC at the time reported incorrectly that animals had escaped from the zoo during the bombardment and had been machine-gunned in the streets (Heck, 1952, 168) The famous old elephant house in pagod style was totally destroyed by bombings the 22 November 1943, when also 7 elephants died, and a bull had to be shot because he went out in the zoo from the destructed stables. Only 91 animals survived the war, among them the the elephant bull Siam, who died in 1947 because of enteritis. During the next three years, Berlin Zoo had no elephant
1950: the director Dr. Katharina Heinroth received the three year old Shanti, as a gift from Pandit Nehru and India. She had to be housed in the sebra stable until the new house was erected in 1955.

The new elephant house was enlarged in the 90s and now has a pool and two bullboxes prepared for Protected contact.

1999: The house was reconstructed 1999, and has now more space for the elephants, while the visitors area was reduced.

During the 90s breeding has once again been succesful in Berlin Zoo

References for records about Berlin Zoo

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2024). Berlin Zoo, Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

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