Deceased elephants at Smithsonian National Zoological Park Washington in United States

This database list 17 dead elephants

Nr Sex Species Name Id Status Arrival locationImport
1+ ♀ EM Kamala SSP id: 145 49Born: wild 1975-09-00 Dead:2024-11-02 (10 years after arrival), euthanised osteoarthritis2014-05-22 Calgary Zoo1976
2+ ♀ EM Kumari SSP id: 350 2Born: captive-born 1993-12-14
Indy (Butch) x Shanthi
Dead:1995-04-26 (2 years after arrival), disease Elephant endotheliotropic herpes virus (EEHV1A)
3+ ♀ EM Shanthi SSP id: 165 44Born: wild 1976 Dead:2020-06-26 (28 years after arrival), euthanised advanced osteoarthritis1992-11-12 Syracuse Zoo (Rosamond Gifford Zoo)1976
4+ ♀ EM Toni SSP id: 279 41Born: 1965 Dead:2006-01-25 (17 years after arrival), euthanised arthritis1989-10-25 Nay Aug Park Zoo
5+ ♀ EM Jayathu SSP id: 298 < 1 41Born: wild 1983-01-00 Dead:1984-08-29, unknown 1984-06-11 Sri Lanka National Zoological Gardens (Dehiwela Zoo)
6+ ♀ EM Ollie SSP id: 480 2Born: wild 1971 Dead:1973-12-03, unknown 1973-10-15 Salisbury Zoo
7+ ♀ EM Ambika SSP id: 166 72Born: wild 1948 Dead:2020-03-27 (59 years after arrival), euthanised 1961-04-14
8+ ♀ LA Nancy SSP id: 18 47Born: wild 1953 Dead:2000-08-23 (44 years after arrival), euthanised Post mortum: Tuberculosis1956-09-18 Firma Ruhe
9+ ♀ EM Shanti SSP id: 487 29Born: wild 1947 Dead:1976-12-15 (26 years after arrival), unknown 1950-04-16 Mysore Zoo
10+ ♂ EM Ashok SSP id: 486 12Born: wild 1947 Dead:1959-10-01 (9 years after arrival), euthanised 1950-04-16 Mysore Zoo
11+ ♀ EM Babe (Babylon) SSP id: 481 60Born: wild 1877 Dead:1937-08-12 (3 years after arrival), disease collapsed1934-05-16 Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus
12+ ♀ EM Hitam Local id: NZP 2884 SSP id: 484 9Born: wild 1916 Dead:1925-06-26 (7 years after arrival), shot sarcoma of the stomach1918-12-10 Firma Ruhe
13+ ♀ EM Kechil SSP id: 483 32Born: wild 1915 Dead:1947-10-29 (29 years after arrival), unknown 1918-12-10 Firma Ruhe
14+ ♀ LA Jumbina SSP id: 3 41Born: wild 1911 Dead:1952-06-30 (39 years after arrival), unknown 1913-08-08 Washington Harbour1913
15+ ♂ LA Jumbo II SSP id: 2 6Born: wild 1910 Dead:1916-06-28 (3 years after arrival), pathological rupture of Abdomen and Peritonitis1913-08-08 Washington Harbour1913
16+ ♂ EM Gold Dust SSP id: 478 18Born: wild 1880 Dead:1898-11-04 (7 years after arrival), unknown collapsed during a walk in the zoo. he could not rise again, and died during the night. Autopsy showed catarrhal inflammation of the stomach and intestines.1891-04-30 Adam Forepaugh Circus
17+ ♂ EM Dunk (Duncan) Local id: NZP 2420 SSP id: 477 51Born: wild 1866 Dead:1917-03-30 (26 years after arrival), shot shot with a rifle after breaking his shoulder after falling1891-04-30 Adam Forepaugh Circus

Source for the list of elephants deceased at Smithsonian National Zoological Park Washington

Reference list

Facts about Deceased elephants at Smithsonian National Zoological Park Washington in United States, Elephant Encyclopedia, Koehl, D. (2025), available online retrieved 28 March 2025 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this list:

Latest updateName of elephantSource (if it is a website, the target website will open in new window)
2020-06-28 Shanthi:• J. C. Danzansky, Washington Zoo
•  Ryan Easley, USA
•  "Washington National Zoo Artificially Inseminates Asian Elephant Shanti," 2007-04-02
•  "National Zoo Tries to Get Asian Elephant Pregnant," 2008-01-19
2018-12-08 Kumari:• Gary S. Hayward, Ph D. John Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.
2018-10-05 Kamala:• Brent Van Hooft, Elephant Keeper Calgary Zoo
•  Kathleen Hewitt, Calgary Zoo
2013-08-07 Ambika:• Marie Galloway, Elephant Manager, Smithsonian National Zoological Park
•  Ryan Easley, USA
2011-09-07 Nancy:• J. C. Danzansky, Washington Zoo
Elephants and Egotists by Patricia Sumerling
2011-04-26 Jumbo II:• Wild Animals in and out of the Zoo by William M. Mann
2011-04-26 Jumbina:• Wild Animals in and out of the Zoo by William M. Mann
2011-02-22 Dunk (Duncan):• W. Henry Sheak, The Elephant in Captivity, Natural History, September-October 1922
Bob Cline, Cheraw, South Carolina, United States. Autor of the book Americas elephants
• Ryan Easley, USA
• "Vintage National Zoo," Circus No-Spin Zone
•  Wild Animals in and out of the Zoo by William M. Mann
2011-01-01 Toni:• Ryan Easley, USA
•  "Toni's History," Smithsonian National Zoological Park
•  "Letter from National Zoo Director John Berry to Zoo Staff About Toni the Elephant," Smithsonian National Zoological Park
•  "Facility Update: National Zoological Park, Washington D.C." by Rachada Simms," Journal of the Elephant Managers Association Vol 18 No 1, 2005, p 13
•  "D.C. Zoo Harming Ill Elephant, Expert Says,", 2006-01-20 "Asian Elephant Euthanized," National Zoological Park, 2006-01-25 "Young, old campaigned to bring elephants to Scranton" by Cheryl A Kashuba, The, 2010-06-27
2010-05-11 Jayathu:•
2009-11-14 Gold Dust:• 
Bob Cline, Cheraw, South Carolina, United States. Autor of the book Americas elephants
•  Roth, V. Sep 1984 ["Sep 1984"]. How Elephants Grow: Heterochrony and the Calibration of Developmental Stages in Some Living and Fossil Species. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 4 (1)
•  Wild Animals in and out of the Zoo by William M. Mann
2007-07-17 Babe (Babylon):• Time online Article Monday, Aug. 23, 1937
2007-04-20 Kechil:•
2007-04-20 Hitam:•
•  Wild Animals in and out of the Zoo by William M. Mann
2007-04-20 Ashok:•

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