Deceased elephants at San Antonio Zoo in United States

This database list 10 dead elephants

Nr Sex Species Name Id Status Arrival locationImport
1+ ♀ EM Karen SSP id: 195 53Born: wild 1969 Dead:2022-03-10 (6 years after arrival), age 2016-08-29 Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus (Blue Unit)
2+ ♀ EM Boo (Queenie) SSP id: 684 53Born: wild Dead:2013-03-10 (3 years after arrival), euthanised 2010-04-21 Wilbur Davenport
3+ ♀ LA Alport SSP id: 27 49Born: wild 1958 Dead:2007-11-02 (45 years after arrival), disease ligament injury1962-09-01 Baumberge
4+ ♀ EM Lucky SSP id: 226 62Born: wild 1960 Dead:2022-11-02 (60 years after arrival), unknown age related health problems1962-04-05 Bucky Steele
5+ ♀ EM Belle SSP id: 724 62Born: wild 1960 Dead:, unknown 1962-04-00 Bucky Steele
6+ ♀ EM Ginny SSP id: 227 49Born: wild 1955 Dead:2004-05-04 (42 years after arrival), unknown 1962-01-23 Rider Animal Company
7+ ♀ EM Watti (Watty) SSP id: 723 32Born: wild 1929 Dead:1961-10-05 (21 years after arrival), unknown 1940-00-00 Meems Bros. & Ward
8+ ♀ EM Moat (Mutta) SSP id: 722 36Born: wild 1927 Dead:1963-06 (23 years after arrival), unknown 1940-00-00 Meems Bros. & Ward
9+ ♀ EM Babe (Baby) SSP id: 721 36Born: wild 1927 Dead:, unknown 1940-00-00 Meems Bros. & Ward
10+ ♂ EM Ramo (Romino) SSP id: 720 29Born: wild 1911 Dead:1940 (15 years after arrival), unknown 1925-07-10

Source for the list of elephants deceased at San Antonio Zoo

Reference list

Facts about Deceased elephants at San Antonio Zoo in United States, Elephant Encyclopedia, Koehl, D. (2025), available online retrieved 28 March 2025 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this list:

Latest updateName of elephantSource (if it is a website, the target website will open in new window)
2016-08-30 Karen:•
Elephants and Egotists by Patricia Sumerling
2016-01-05 Boo (Queenie):•
Bob Cline, Cheraw, South Carolina, United States. Autor of the book Americas elephants
•  *
•  "I�ll never forget this elephant", McAlester News-Capital, 2006-03-09
•  "Two elephants and a ton of controversy",, 2007-10-05
•  "Kingford Circus #1 (From John Pult)", Buckles Web Log, 2007-11-20
•  "Davenport Elephants #1", Buckles Web Log, 2007-10-28
•  "Davenport Elephants #4", Buckles Web Log, 2007-10-28
2010-09-23 Ginny:•

San Antonio Zoo on

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2022-03-12San antonio zoo announces loss of beloved asian elephant karen - Elephant News

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