Konni Elephant Kraal Reserve in India

Konni Elephant Kraal Reserve
<a target="_blank" href="http://jeevankuruvilla.blogspot.se/2013/09/konni-elephant-cage.html">Photo: Dr. Jeevan Kuruvilla, 2013</a>
Photo: Dr. Jeevan Kuruvilla, 2013

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Local name Konni Aana koodu

Address Konni
Place Pathanamthitta
District Pathanamthitta district
Region Kerala
Country India
Website Website


Key People

VeterinariansDr. Jayakumar
Dr. Shyam Chandran

Elephant department

Head keepers
of elephants

Elephant keepers
Record history
History of updates2021-03-29

Latest document update2021-03-29 09:52:26
Google map

Konni Elephant Kraal Reserve, located at Konni, in Pathanamthitta, India , was founded in 1810.

Living elephants

At the Konni Elephant Kraal Reserve lives 4 elephants with records in this database: (detail list)
  1. Eva born ~2002
  2. Meena born ~1991
  3. Mony
  4. Priyadarshini born 1984

Comments / picturesKonni is a small hilly town in the Pathanamthitta district, Kerala state, India. The elephant training center is about 10Kms from the Pathanamthitta town. The nearest railway head is Chengannur (CNG) in the Trivandrum-Kottayam route of the Indian Railways.

In the past, wild elephants caught from the forests were brought here and put in wooden cages known as 'Aanakoodu' (Elephant Cage, or Kraal) to be tamed and trained for work.

Konni Elephant Training Centre has to its credit of gifting the Elephant Samyuktha to the Republic of Portugal as a mark of friendship and co-operation with the Republic of India.

2012: 6 elephants

References for records about Konni Elephant Kraal Reserve

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2025). Konni Elephant Kraal Reserve, Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at https://www.elephant.se/location2.php?location_id=985. (archived at the Wayback machine)

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Konni Elephant Kraal Reserve on elephant-news.com

Konni Elephant Kraal Reserve is mentioned on Elephant News:

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2016-12-07Ammu elephant calf dies of viral infection at konni camp - Elephant News
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2020-10-05Months-long treatments failed, pinchu, a 4-year-old asian elephant, has died at the konni elephant kraal in kerala - Elephant News

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