Aane Mane Foundation base camp in India

Aane Mane Foundation base camp

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Owner 2000-2021: Prajna Chowta
Last elephant left2021
Place Mysore
Country India
Website Website

DirectorsPrajna Chowta

Key People


Elephant department

Head keepers
of elephants

Elephant keepers -2020: Mujeeb Khan
Record history
History of updates2021-12-20

Latest document update2021-12-20 09:33:05
Relevant literature
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Aane Mane Foundation base camp, in Mysore, India . The last elephant left in 2021.

Comments / pictures2019: Aane Mane elephants are free-ranging permanently in the forest and monitored by GPS collars (http://www.elephanttracking.org/), so they are rarely to be seen at the camp, only when they decide to come on their own, which they do often.

2021: Prajna Chowta is the co-founder of Aane Mane Foundation - which was started to study elephants closely to enable their and their habitat Conservation. The base camp of the foundation was located in the forests of Dubare and she had been nurturing many elephants under her care since 2000.

However, the residents across Dubare alleged that the elephants from Prajna’s foundation often raided the crops and caused immense damage. A complaint in this regard was forwarded to the state by the residents and the forest department officials. Following this, in August this year, the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Wildlife) and Chief Wildlife Warden ordered the confiscation of the elephants owned by Prajna.

All the elephants will be shifted to Rampura Elephant Camp in Bandipur in two days\' time. There are eight elephants including two Adult females, a Makhna male, and elephant calves,” confirmed Ananya Kumar, RFO.

References for records about Aane Mane Foundation base camp

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2024). Aane Mane Foundation base camp, Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at https://www.elephant.se/location2.php?location_id=1256. (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

Aane Mane Foundation base camp on elephant-news.com

Aane Mane Foundation base camp is mentioned on Elephant News:

DateLinks which opens in new window
2013-11-07Now, gps collars to track elephant movement - Elephant News
2019-09-11Buoyed by hassan success, forest dept to radio-collar more jumbos - Elephant News

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