Definition of STE

From the elephant glossary Section: organisation

Relevant Literature about STE
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Save the Elephants (STE) works to secure a future for elephants in a rapidly changing world. To battle the current surge in Ivory Poaching, the STE/WCN Elephant Crisis Fund is identifying and supporting the most effective global partners to stop Poaching, thwart traffickers and end demand for Ivory. Leaders in elephant science, STE also provides cutting-edge scientific insights into elephant behavior, Intelligence, and long-distance movement and applies them to the long-term challenges of elephant Conservation.

Save the Elephants was founded in 1993 by Iain Douglas-Hamilton. A Research & Conservation organisation, Save the Elephants (STE) is a UK-registered charity headquartered in Nairobi with its principal Research station in Samburu National Reserve in northern Kenya. STE’s mission is to secure a future for elephants and sustain the beauty and ecological integrity of the places they live, to promote man’s delight in their Intelligence and the diversity of their world, and to develop a tolerant relationship between the two Species.

Reference list Koehl, Dan, (2025). STE. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 20 September 2021 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

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