Circus Historical Society

Definition of Circus Historical Society

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Records about Circus Historical Society from the Circus Historical Society Founded in 1939, the Circus Historical Society, Inc. (CHS) is a tax-exempt, not-for-profit educational organization. The Society's mission is to preserve, promote and share though education, the history and cultural significance of the circus and allied arts, past and present. Membership includes people from all walks of life including historians, scholars, circus personnel, memorabilia collectors, Americana specialists and just folks who share both a love of the circus and a desire to preserve and disseminate its great and interesting heritage.

Records about Circus Historical Society from the Circus Historical Society Bandwagon, CHS's journal, publishes captivating articles relating to circus history. Articles have explored such far ranging topics such as the Forepaugh-Sells seasons 1910-1911, seal lion training, circus balloon ascensions, circus parades of the 1930's, the circus season of 2001 reviewed, and the Ringling Bros. winterquarters in the early 1900's. Most issues cover a half dozen topics varying in length from a single page to fifteen pages.

Reference list Koehl, Dan, (2025). Circus Historical Society. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 20 September 2021 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

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  • Bandwagon

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