
Definition of Komeria

From the elephant glossary Section: hinduism

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In India, the elephants are often referred to, as to which cast of elephants they belong.

The Komeria, or Komeriah (throughbred), is the highest cast, in the old days highly appreciated as war elephants, mainly because they were regarded as calm, brave, and disciplined in warlike situations. A Komeriah should have a large, compact body, richly muscled, andin perfect symmetry. Not too short legs, but definitely not too long, it shall give a stabile impression. The skin may be rather rough, the eyes calm but intensive, protected by muscles and fat. Very important is that the size and shape of the head, is large and not with a bony look.

(The opposite cast is the Mriga, slender, with long narrow bones, and a small bony head. Mrigas are supposed to be easily frightened, nervous, and difficult to control in critical situations. Dwasala is the intermediate cast.)

Records about Komeria from the Gajah Glossary at https://www.asesg.org/PDFfiles/Gajah/23-01-Glossary.pdf Koomeriah (Hindustani): (also: koomerah, komeriah, koomra, bhadra) (Sanderson 1 907: 83,84,85x Sanderson 1962: 260 ; Lahiri-Choudhury 1999 : 457)
Thoroughbred; a high caste of elephant that is calm, brave, disciplined, deliberate, ingenious, and strong, favored as a work elephant.

In India, captive elephants are often referred to, as to which caste of elephants they belong. The most prized body-structure in elephants.

M. Philip Kahl and Charles Santiapillai, Gajah Elephant Glossary, Gajah nr 23 (2004), Journal for Asian Elephant Specialist Group

Reference list Koehl, Dan, (2025). Komeria. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 20 September 2021 at https://www.elephant.se/index.php?id=21. (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

Selected publications
  • Khedda in Mysore January 1971

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