
Definition of Mnong

From the elephant glossary Section: anthrozoology

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The Mnong or Munong are an ethnic Group from Vietnam (127,334 in 2019) and Cambodia.

A number of Mnong live in the eastern Cambodian province of Mondulkiri where they are known as Bunong (alternatively spelled Phnong, Punong, or Pnong). The Mnong people have been widely persecuted and discriminated against because they were thought to have aided North Vietnam in its civil war against South Vietnam and the United States of America during the Vietnam War. They were brutally massacred and have been neglected for decades for their unproven "Engagement" with the Viet Cong.

N'Thu K'Nul, was a Lao-Mnong person, a chieftain who established Buon Don, a famous elephant Hunting and taming village, in Dak Lak Province, in Vietnams Western Highlands. He caught a white elephant and gave it as a present to the Thai royal family in 1861, leading the king of Thailand to bestow upon him the name "Khunjanob" (literally "Elephant Hunting King")

Reference list Koehl, Dan, (2025). Mnong. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 20 September 2021 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

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