Pharyngeal pouch

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Definition of Pharyngeal pouch

From the elephant glossary Section: elephant anatomy

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From Encyclopædia Britannica Vocalizations originate in the larynx and a special structure associated with it, the pharyngeal pouch. In addition to sound production, the pharyngeal pouch is presumed to be used for carrying water.

For centuries people have observed that on hot days and in times when there is no water nearby, elephants insert their Trunks into their mouths, withdraw liquid, and spray themselves with it. The source of this liquid and the ability of elephants to withdraw it have posed a mystery even though the pharyngeal pouch was described in 1875. Two plausible sources of the liquid are the stomach and the pharyngeal pouch. Stomach contents, however, are acidic and would irritate the skin.

In addition, the sprayed liquid contains small food particles commonly found in the pharyngeal pouch, as opposed to digested food from the stomach.

Finally, repeated field observations attest that elephants can spray themselves while walking or running. As it would be difficult to suck liquid from the stomach while running, the most likely explanation for the liquid’s source is the pharyngeal pouch. Another possible function of the pouch is heat absorption, especially from the sensitive brain area above it.

Reference list Koehl, Dan, (2024). Pharyngeal pouch. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 20 September 2021 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

Selected publications
  • Shoshani, J.; Agnew, D.; Watson, G; Marchant, G H; & Matsac, E. C. (1997) The pharyngeal pouch: a unique receptacle in the throat of an elephant. Proceeding of the National Conference of the Ameican Assocation of Zoo Keepers 23:74-25.
  • Shoshani,J., & Dudley,J. P (2000) The elephant pharyngeal pouch, was the mystery resolved? Elephant, 2(4): 75-76

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