
Definition of Trunk-wash

From the elephant glossary Section: pathology

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Currently, Trunk wash culture serves as the “gold standard” for diagnosing TB in elephants. During trunk-wash approximately 60 ml of sterile saline is flushed into one nostril of the elephant's Trunk using a catheter-tipped syringe. The elephant was then instructed to raise the Trunk and leave it elevated for 30 to 60 s, after which it lowered the Trunk and exhaled. (Meagan K. Kay, Lyndsey Linke, Joni Triantis, M. D. Salman,, and R. Scott Larsen)

Reference list Koehl, Dan, (2025). Trunk-wash. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 20 September 2021 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

  • Meagan K. Kay, Lyndsey Linke, Joni Triantis, M. D. Salman,, and R. Scott Larsen, Evaluation of DNA Extraction Techniques for Detecting Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex Organisms in Asian Elephant Trunk Wash Samples

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