Elephants transfered 1945

14 transfers of elephants during 1945 in the database

11926+ -Simla-
EM - F
192338died 1961, 16 years after arrival, at
Frankfurt Zoo
21928?+ -Kithany (Kitty?)-
EM - F
192157died 1978, 33 years after arrival, at
Frankfurt Zoo
1945-09-20Firma Ruhe
31926+ -Alzefra-
EM - F
192335died 1958, 13 years after arrival, at
Frankfurt Zoo
4+ -Lucia-
EM - F
1916-06-0053died 1969, 24 years after arrival, at
Kiev Zoo
1945-07-18Zoocentrum Moskwa (Objed)
5+ -Ike (Lakhsmi)-
EM - F
193645died 1981, 36 years after arrival, at
Antwerp Zoo
1945-07-02Munster Zoo
6+ -Monty (Monti, Daka)-
EM - F
193621died 1957, 12 years after arrival, at
Antwerp Zoo
1945-07-02Munster Zoo
71938?+ -Mutu-
EM - F
1936died 0, -1945 years after arrival, at
1945-07-01Frankfurt Zoo
8+ -Malaya-
EM - F
1942-03-209died 1951, 6 years after arrival, at
Circus Belli
1945-01-01Hannover Zoo
9+ -Betja-
EM - F
died 1945, 0 years after arrival, at
Vienna Zoo
1945-00-00Circus Krone
10+ -Dicksie-
LA - F
193829died 1967, 22 years after arrival, at
London Zoo
11+ -Punchi-
EM - F
1923?died 0, -1945 years after arrival, at
Circus Durov (Animal Theater V.L. Durov Nook)
1945-00-00Zhukov Trophy circus
12+ -Babe-
EM - F
192335died 1958, 13 years after arrival, at
Clyde Beatty Circus
1945-00-00Clyde Beatty-Russell Brothers Circus
13+ -Mary-
EM - F
died 1950, 5 years after arrival, at
Clyde Beatty Circus
1945-00-00Clyde Beatty-Russell Brothers Circus
141932+ -Bombay-
EM - F
193255died 1987, 42 years after arrival, at
Milan Zoo
1945-00-00Monza Park

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