† Sophi is a dead Female ♀ African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana), , who died 2020-10-08 at Indianapolis Zoo, in United States, . Official death reason described as from age related reasons.
Sophi was born wild 1968, captured 1969 .
Originated from Uganda Ruwenzori range "Her first home in North America was the African Lion Safari in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada, where she lived with three African and seven Asian elephants. Over the years, the other African elephants at the park were sold, but Sophi remained as the mainstay for giving rides and doing shows. The Indianapolis Zoo purchased her in 1989. Sophi is the dominant elephant in the Indianapolis Group. Sophi is the biggest (though not the tallest) elephant and has a notch in her left ear. Her Tusks are the longest and most impressive in the Herd and curve upward." In June 2009, she weiged 9,900 pounds. 2020-10-08: Zoo officials said they made "the difficult decision" to euthanize Sophi after her condition declined over the last few days.
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